St. John’s Episcopal Church
No evening prayer today due to timing of the storms.
Lenten Tidbits: “God loves us by becoming us.”
“The cross was God’s validation of his love for us, not a retribution or a transaction.”
“There is only one suffering. It is all the same and it is all the suffering of God.”
Richard Rohr
During Lent St. John’s is having evening prayer each Wednesday at 5:30 in the chapel.
Social distancing will be practiced in church and temperature checks and hand sanitizer are available as you enter. The church is professionally sanitized each week using an ozone generator. Thank you for your help.
Dates to mark in your calendar:
Lenten midweek evening prayer each Wednesday at 5:30.
April 10....Palm Sunday
April 13….Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm in the church
April 14....Maundy Thursday service at 6:00 pm in the church
April 15....Good Friday service at noon in the church
April 17.... Easter Sunday
Worship: April 3, the Holy Eucharist, Rite I, with Rev. Teresa Cantrell
Readings: Fifth Sunday in Lent; Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 126; Philippians 3:4b-14; John 12:1-8
Please keep the following in your prayers: Debra Richardson, Kathy Sullivan, Courtney Turner, Kathleen Gibson, Cole Jefferies, Carol Spencer, Bonnie & Charles Rowland, Jo Liddy, Janet Juengel, Jim Howe, Cliff Clark, Sylvia Ross, Linda Dowling, and Susan Taylor.
Grace Food Pantry: plastic bags go in the labeled container in the narthex.
March 30, Wed, at 5:30 pm: Lenten Evening Payer at St. John’s Episcopal Chapel has been cancelled this week due to timing of the storms.
April 3, Sunday, at 10:30: St. John’s Episcopal Church
Lay Eucharist Minister: Ann Lee
Acolyte: Ann Lee
Altar Guild: Betsy Wright & Melody Rogers
Ushers: Bob Lee
Video - Facebook: Melody Rogers
Altar Flowers: Bob & Vivian Wright
Lenten Listening : Wed. noon at First United Methodist Church
Lilies order form below.
CDC COVID-19 guidelines (approved by Vestry) list is on table in the back of church
For those that cannot attend in person, there will be live streaming on Facebook.
The new link for Sunday service is:
Facebook Group: Events and Pictures of St. John’s Episcopal Church; Helena, AR
St. John’s Church Office:
Phone: 870-338-8115
Mailing address: P.O. Box 770, Helena, AR 72342
Street address: 625 Pecan St., Helena, Arkansas
Lilly Order Form
I/We would like to order _________ Easter Lilies at $18 each.
Given by:________________________________________________
In Memory of: ____________________________________________
In Honor of/ In Thanksgiving for: _____________________________
Please make all checks payable to St John’s Episcopal Church