Newsletter: Sunday, May 15, 2022
May 11, 2022, 7:31 AM

St. John’s Episcopal Church 


Let us pray:

O God, who has blessed and sustained this parish through the years; we ask that you continue to lead us, stretch us, and direct us, in our search for a new rector.  Raise for us, we pray, a priest and pastor who will boldly proclaim your Gospel, faithfully administer your Sacraments, and serve your people with love and compassion, that we may continue to grow in the likeness of Christ and be a beacon of love and hope to our community and the world.  To the glory of your holy Name. Amen.

OPM Committee will meet this Sunday right after church in the west transept by the piano about the 2022 Grant Applications for the vestry meeting Monday.

Social distancing will be practiced in church and temperature checks and hand sanitizer are available as you enter. The church is professionally sanitized each week using an ozone generator. CDC COVID-19 guidelines (Vestry approved) list is on table in the back of church.



Worship:  May 15, the Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with Rev. Teresa Cantrell

Readings: Fifth Sunday of Easter; Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35



Please keep the following in your prayers: Debra Richardson, Kathy Sullivan, Courtney Turner, Kathleen Gibson, Cole Jefferies, Carol Spencer, Bonnie & Charles Rowland, Jo Liddy, Janet Juengel, Jim Howe, Cliff Clark, Sylvia Ross, Linda Dowling, Susan Taylor, Abigail Grace Fox, and Bill Duke.



St John’s ECW is sponsoring Bingo at Crestpark Nursing Home monthly on the second Tuesday from 1 – 2.  Contributions are needed for the prizes. What they like includes:  Kleenex (square and rectangular boxes), paper towels, toilet paper, candles, batteries, soap, body wash, lotion, blueberry muffin mix, chocolate candy, gum, microwave popcorn, decorative paper plates & napkins, anything decorative/seasonal, and air freshener.  There will be a box at the back of the church. 

Grace Food Pantry: plastic bags go in the labeled container in the narthex.

Jerry & Betty Zane Wenzel have started their new adventure in their tiny house that Jerry built.  Their new address is 335 Harmony Acres Rd, Malvern, AR 72104-8016.  They will certainly be missed around here.  Best wishes!!!!



May 15: Fifth Sunday of Easter, at 10:30 am  

Lay Eucharist Minister & Acolyte:  Ben Pittman

Altar Guild: Nancy Hornor

Ushers: Jack Hornor & Tap Jennings

Video - Facebook: Nancy Hornor

 Altar Flowers:  Ned & Jill Pillow


OPM Committee will meet this Sunday, May 15, right after church in the west transept by the piano.  We need to decide on the recommendations for the 2022 grant applications to be presented to the vestry on Monday.


May 16, Monday, at 5:30 Vestry will meet in the undercroft.


May 16, ECW is cancelled. No meeting this month.


May 22nd is open date for flowers in the church.  Please contact Ann Lee.


CDC COVID-19 guidelines (Vestry approved) list is on table in the back of church

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For those that cannot attend in person, there will be live streaming on Facebook. 

The new link for Sunday service is:

Facebook Group:  St. John’s Episcopal Church-Helena, AR


St. John’s Church Office:     

Phone:  870-338-8115


Mailing address:  P.O. Box 770, Helena, AR 72342

Street address: 625 Pecan St.,  Helena,  Arkansas